Thursday, November 10, 2011

Exam Preparation.

To be honest...I haven't really done anything in placement, hence, the lack of updates. As you probably noticed from previous posts, my exams are coming up which involves 2 written papers and 1 OSCE. It's my first year of taking OSCE and doing more clinical based papers, so I'm quite nervous as I don't know what to expect. Yesterday, I finally got an idea what the OSCE will be like though as the school held a mock OSCE session for the students.

Essentially, our OSCE will be 6 stations of patient histories, and 6 stations of physical examinations. Each station will be7-8 minutes long. Before going into the mock, I had an impression that it will be really difficult. To my delight, the mock turned out a lot easier than I thought. Obviously could have done better as I didn't study for it (haven't had time to) or really practice for it. All in all, it wasn't too bad. I do have to work on making my examinations more slick and quicker as I take too long examining the peripheries. For example in Cardiovascular examination, I spend too much time looking at the hands and face. I think I need to just quickly glance over the hands and really just scan it instead of really looking at every single detail. Obviously the most important part of the exam is to examine the chest and I felt that I spent less time on the chest than the peripheries. Again, I think this is down to practising more.

It was really nice getting feedback from people on how I did in the mock OSCE and I now know what to focus on. Prior to the mock, I wasn't too sure what I needed to work on so I will be making a trip to the hospital tomorrow with one goal in mind: get slick at examinations. It should be good and I'm quite determined to get this down as the OSCE is worth 70% of our mark. In terms of history taking, it has always been my "strong point" as I do enjoy talking and I feel that I have a really good logical system of asking questions. In a patient history you would ask Presenting Complaint, History of Presenting Complaint, Drug History, Family History, Social History. Once I get that in my head, I find that asking questions and getting info from the patients quite easy. During mock, I was also helping out and was a patient for a station. Some people don't have a system at all and you can tell as their questions are all over the place. It's nice to see the level of history taking other students are at as it gives me a good idea of how much I need to work on my history taking skills.

Other than that.....3.5 weeks until exams. Eep.


  1. Good luck with revision

  2. Don't worry :) you've been doing it for three years, you can still manage to do it again for two more years :) gluck
